Overwatch 2 Plus rapide et plus amusant que jamais !

Overwatch 2 met en œuvre des ajustements pour accélérer certains modes de jeu spécifiques en se basant sur les retours recueillis lors du récent essai de Quick Play piraté.


Overwatch 2 speeds up some game modes

🎮🔥 Hey gamers! Big news coming from the world of Overwatch 2! Brace yourselves because the game is about to get even more intense and action-packed. We’re talking about some awesome changes to the Push, Flashpoint, Hybrid, and Escort game modes that will make your heart race like a hamster on a wheel. 🐹💨

The developers at Overwatch 2 have been listening to the community’s feedback, and after a recent test called Quicker Play, they were blown away by the positive response. So much so that they’ve decided to permanently incorporate some of the speed adjustments from the test into the core game. Whoa! Talk about leveling up!

🕹️ The Quicker Play test was all about making the game faster and more exhilarating. They reduced respawn times, sped up payloads and push bots, and increased the capture and scoring speed of objectives. It was like they strapped a nitro boost on the back of a rocket and aimed it straight at your adrenal glands. 🚀💥

Now, let’s dive into the juicy details of these gameplay changes inspired by Quicker Play. Buckle up!

Push: Speed, Speed, and More Speed!

In the Push game mode, things are about to get real fast. The bots pushing the barricade will have increased movement speed. Think of it like giving those little bots an extra shot of caffeine, turning them into adrenaline-fueled super robots. It’s like they went from a leisurely stroll to a full-on sprint. Good luck keeping up!

But that’s not all. The match length in Quick Play is being reduced to 8 minutes instead of the usual 10. Yeah, you heard that right. We’re shaving off a couple of minutes to keep you on your toes and the action flowing. Quick games mean quick adrenaline rushes, right? 🏃‍♂️💨

Now, competitive games in Push will still have a 10-minute time limit for the time being. But who knows what the future holds? Overwatch 2 is all about surprises, so they might just shake things up again.

Flashpoint: Speed Boost for Everyone!

In the Flashpoint game mode, get ready for a burst of speed right out of the gate. 🚦🔥 All players will receive a speed boost when leaving the spawn. It’s like the game is saying, “Go, go, go! No time to waste, heroes!” So, gather your team, rev up your engines, and race towards victory.

Hybrid/Escort: Defenders Get a Head Start!

Defenders in the Hybrid and Escort game modes are also getting a little boost. During setup, defenders will receive a speed boost when leaving the spawn. It’s like they’ve discovered a secret shortcut or gained access to rocket-powered roller skates. Whatever it is, it will help defenders set up their defenses quickly and efficiently. No sluggish starts here!

💥💨 Overwatch 2 is all about keeping things fresh and exciting. So, based on feedback from the Quicker Play test, they’ll be running future Quick Play: Hacked events. These events will have a separate game card next to Quick Play, where they can test out disruptive gameplay changes. It’s like throwing a wildcard into the mix and watching as chaos ensues. But hey, sometimes chaos leads to epic moments, right? 🌪️🔥

They’ll be experimenting with different levels of disruption, from moderately drastic changes to less-disruptive tweaks. If the changes are well-received, they may fully replace Quick Play for short periods of time. Overwatch 2 isn’t afraid to shake things up, as we’ve seen with the big changes from Season 9. They’re here to surprise us and keep us on our toes.

🤔📝 Still have some burning questions about Overwatch 2? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some Q&A content:

Q: Will Overwatch 2 introduce more game modes in the future?

A: While there are no specific game modes announced yet, Overwatch 2 is known for its ability to surprise us. Who knows what exciting game modes they have up their sleeves? We’ll just have to wait and see!

Q: Will the changes in Quicker Play affect competitive play as well?


A: En ce moment, les changements sont principalement axés sur le mode Partie rapide. Cependant, Overwatch 2 est toujours ouvert aux retours et prêt à apporter des ajustements. Il est donc possible que le mode compétitif voie des changements à l’avenir. Gardez les yeux ouverts !

Q : Pourquoi Overwatch 2 n’a-t-il pas utilisé des modes de jeu séparés comme la carte expérimentale ?

A : Selon le Directeur d’Overwatch 2, Aaron Keller, le mode expérimental dans le Overwatch original présentait un faible taux d’engagement des joueurs, seuls 18 % des joueurs l’ont essayé. Ils veulent recueillir des données et des retours précieux sans perturber trop l’expérience des joueurs, d’où l’approche Partie rapide : Hackée. Tout est question de trouver le bon équilibre !

🔗📚 Pour plus d’actualités passionnantes sur Overwatch 2, des vidéos de gameplay et des astuces, assurez-vous de consulter ces références impressionnantes :

  1. Possible Hero Banning Feature in Overwatch 2

  2. Overwatch 2 Flashpoint Maps

  3. Overwatch 2 Director’s Take blog

  4. Big Changes from Overwatch 2 Season 9

N’oubliez pas de partager l’excitation avec vos amis sur les réseaux sociaux et de les informer de ces mises à jour palpitantes d’Overwatch 2. Jouez bien, héros ! 🎮💪✨
